Help to create a catchy animations for the campaign with social media posts hijacked by Kellog's Krave.
As a animator, my responsibilities included using the Krave rig provided by the client to give the character a sneaky and savage nature, setting up lighting in Cinema 4D and rendering by Otoy Octane render engine.
I used soft body dynamics to achieve a realistic and believable physical appearance of Krave in the Kellogg's carrels box.
Some trendy visual and audio glitches and distortions added in post-processing to highlight digital havoc and annihilation.
Studio: WeAreSocial
Animation/Composition/Render/Sound design: Bart Miko
Animation/Composition/Render/Sound design: Bart Miko
Client: Kellogg's
#Kellogg's #Krave #character #rig #design #motiongraphics #motiondesign #animation #advert #C4D #social #media